Sunday, July 26, 2009

VIDEO: Palin's resignation weekend - Jonathan Martin -

VIDEO: Palin's resignation weekend - Jonathan Martin -

I just don't get it. How could anyone support such stupidity? Notice the insane couple in the beginning of the video clip.

It is a little funny that Palin is getting NAILED with ethics charges against her and her staff... Talk about karma, she made it easier for people to file complaints! Something tells me that this is just the tip of the iceberg, I have a feeling there is a lot we don't know about yet. We shall see how things develop in the days to come!

As always,

the worst is not over yet
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome Back

Kitaev, I am glad to see you back and writing. We must conspire to get drunk and smoke cigars soon. I pride myself in being one of the few members of female gender that you care to consort with. I shall seek the company of you and the labradors soon.

Speaking of dogs and polite company. A dear friend of mine called me today to inform me of her recent cocaine addiction. Subsequently she has developed a heart condition after four weeks of heavy use. I offered her a place in my home until she can find a treatment center. She refused. I guess she isn't ready to clean up her nose. I hope she comes around soon. We shall see.

The outside of a dog is good for the inside of a man. It's rather dark on the inside of a dog.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lermontov's Ghost

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov - nobleman, poet, the ultimate superfluous man... in a word, my hero. He died in a duel, most likely in which he intended so to do.

And so I sit here, waiting to hear from silent voices, alive or dead - what is the difference?
But we have the creature comforts to absolve the sins of modernity. I sit awaiting an appointment to some such office or an other that most likely will never come - what is the difference?
People do not think of their actions any further, and they have not done for some time.
I know not when sincerity was lost, or found, or conjured up entirely...

You spoke of sailing? Quite a decent metaphor, though I despise metaphors. Sailing is mute. Sailing is dead. Sailing is now the past-time of the more comfortably ignorant. And I mean to make no offense, for my father suffered much from the art - he quite literally broke his back in the race of some finer yacht. But to me, as one well enough familiar with the sport, all are now becalmed, and we sit in an ocean looking for a decent breeze that will not come.

I wished that I could at most times seem relevant, but I could not. I am wholly irrelevant. I, like Lermontov, should dissolve in to obscurity to most, as it would be better.

Dear God! I have become a blogger...

Yours, etc.

Kitaev the Superfluous.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Teen Sails Around the Globe - The Daily Beast

On a lighter more to my liking note:

Well, this would surely look good on a college application: Southern California
teen Zac Sunderland recently became the youngest person to sail around the world
alone, after docking in Marina del Rey on Thursday, where he was greeted by
roaring applause.
Cheers kid... I won't have the chance to circumnavigate until much later in life. For those of you who don't sail and have not spent a substantial amount of time living aboard a sea going vessel life on a boat is hard... Life on a boat in the middle of the ocean by yourself for weeks takes a serious toll on one psychologically. Guys in the navy have a hard enough time being out at sea with a bunch of other dudes. Think about it.

And perhaps even more exciting, having to do with California and slightly nautical related - San Diego is under attack by 5 foot long 100 pound squids. This is not a joke, I'm being serious. The Drudge Report is all over it. Apparently the squids are aggressive enough to keep people out of the water. Oddly enough the squids are natives of Mexico - obviously humans aren't the only Mexicans violently taking over Cali (was that too much? I should work on that).

It is early for most but late for me,  I must go sleep. I'll give a run down of Drudge, Politico and Daily Beast later this afternoon. Probably will have a Colbert supplement in there.

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Sail her don't sink her, this time.

Wow, HIGH FIVE Young Republicans

The young republicans have elected a NOT SO YOUNG republican to be their chairwoman... Oh, and by the way, did I mention she is socially unexceptable and a racist? It is very hard for me to believe what I have been reading on the Drudge. Anyway, thought that I might just put that out there... More to come now that the Mac is up and running.

tangled up, tied in knots
KA - over and out

Friday, May 1, 2009

The View from the Hermitage

"Как жаль что у вас нет рядом.
Вы бы все поняли.
Смотрите, море - все вокруг.
И плыть нам вечно, и жить нам вечно."

What a pity, indeed, that you are not here... you would understand every thing.
But, do you look to the ocean around?
Do you believe that we sail on eternally, and that we might live on forever?

There is no Hermitage to be found here; no, this is no eternal city, and there are no eternal people found here as well. Oh, but we sail on... and, to steal yet other, better words - we are ascending.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man’s.”
-Mark Twain
Letter to W.D. Howells, 2 April 1899